The first stop was Paris.
These are a few pictures of our apartment. this apartment was on a private street. we needed to open a gate with a code to get on our street. our apartment was on the fifth floor, I think. there were a lot of stairs, there was an elevator, but it could only hold or three people. we all walked up with our suitcases. this was a little difficult, because my suitcase was heavy and my knees were starting to hurt. I finally made it to the apartment put my stuff down, and took a look of the place. after that I hit the couch and had a nap.
I didn't mind so much walking down the stairs, rather than going up, especially after a long day of walking. I preferred taking the elevator up. on the last day I did not want to go another round of going on those stairs with my suitcase. what we did was I went in the elevator with some of the suitcases. it was squishy, but it worked.
The first thing we went to go see was the Eiffel tower.
Our apartment was semi close to the Eiffel tower, so we walked there. walking there took awhile, but it was nice when we got there. Paris is really busy, there are people everywhere. I took some pictures of the tower. I tried my best to get some nice pictures. All my pictures include lots of people, there are were people everywhere. I sat on the grass with my family after. I watched other people take photos in front of it. we sat on the grass for awhile. we didn't spend a whole lot of time at the tower, but unless you want to climb the Eiffel tower.
The next place we went to was the Louvre.
The louvre, if you don't know is a famous museum. The most famous painting that I know is The Mona Lisa. The room where the Mona Lisa was in was crazy. you had to fight your way to get a picture, there was so many people there it was impossible to get nice picture.
We spent a lot of time in the louvre, and we had lunch in the cafe. we made our way back through the museum to go out.
The next place that we went to was Claude Monet's house.

Claude Monet is a very famous painter. he does a lot impression paintings of his garden, and water lilies. first we walked through his garden. this garden is beautiful, I have never seen a garden this beautiful. After we walked through the gardens, we went into the house. his house was colourful and filled with paintings.
My sisters friend had been to Paris and told my sister about some spots we should visit. on of the places was a bakery were macrons were invented. we went into Laurdee, and I bought some macrons.
The flavours of macrons were coffee, Raspberry, Caramel, Mint, Chocolate, and Lavender. I really liked these except I wasn't a fan of the lavender one. I like the smell of lavender so I thought I might like the taste, but I didn't like it.
This brings us to the end of my Paris trip. I hoped you enjoyed reading about my adventures in Paris and continue to read about Kampan and Amsterdam.
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