Hello, Its been a few months since my last post. This post might be my favourite one. I had never been to Disney world before, so this was very exciting to me. This has been the best birthday present ever!
Friday, November 2nd
Today was our first full day in Florida. On the first day we decided to go to Magic Kingdom, The first thing we did was walk through the Swiss family Robinson treehouse. After the walk through of the tree house, We made our way to the jungle cruise. After waiting for awhile we finally made it on a boat. I saw elephants, lions, gorillas, alligators, and hippos. (but not real one's) It was lunch time by the time we finished the cruise, so before going on the many adventures of winnie the pooh we ate lunch. On our way to the ride I saw Winne the pooh an Tigger so I followed them to get pictures autographs from.

After supper we headed to Cinderella's castle to watch the fireworks. The fireworks were amazing. I really enjoyed them. The castle projected images from movies and the songs played with there movie.
This was truly magical, and I will never forget this. After the fire works were over we headed home.
Saturday, November 2nd
Welcome to day two. Today is our first day at Universal. specifically Diagon Ally. We got there at lunch time, so we went to go find something to eat. After we finished eating we went to go look in some shops. We into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, Honey Dukes, Magical Menagerie, and Olivanders where I bought Fred Weasley's wand. we then made our way to Florean Fortescues for some ice cream. After our shopping we went to the Gringotts ride. I didn't want to go on this ride, so my dad stayed with me. By the time they finished the ride, the park was closed so we headed home.
Sunday, November 3rd
This morning I didn't have to walk up early, because today is was our relaxing day. I got up and had breakfast, After breakfast I went to the pool for a swim. I got back to the room and then had a quick bath, then got ready to go to winter park. Before heading to Winter park, we stopped at the mall to go into Carlo's Bakery and get some treats. My sister had looked up winter park before we went, and saw this place called Rifle paper. Rifle paper was closed along with other shops because it was Sunday, Instead we found a place to sit and eat our treats. After I ate my treat I was still hungry because I hadn't had a proper lunch, so I found a sandwich shop. We went to go look n some shops after I had finished my sandwich. We had planned to go for supper and go see the Blue man group, so we headed to universal studios. For supper we went to this Italian place, where I had chicken parmesan. when supper was finished, we made our way to the blue man group. Unfortunately you weren't aloud to take pictures or videos inside, but there's lots of videos on YouTube if you want to go check them out. I had a really good time watching them. After the show was over I went to go take a picture with one of the blue man guys, then we headed home.
Monday, November 4th
Hello, welcome to day four. Today was Magic Kingdom & Epcot, A very busy day. The first park we went to was Animal Kingdom. The first ride we found was the avatar river boat, After waiting in line for what seemed liked forever! we finally made it onto the boat. The ride was good, but I didn't know much about Avatar. when we finished the ride we decided what are next move was going to be. Me and my mom went to go find some lunch while the rest of my family went on the Avatar flight of passage, for lunch we found a BBQ spot where I had macaroni and cheese.
When lunch was finished we were deciding if we should go to Epcot, or wait for the rest of my family. We decided to go to Epcot by ourselves, because they hadn't even got on the ride yet. When we got to Epcot we headed for the seas with nemo and friends, I liked this ride because I am a fan of finding nemo.
I wanted to find some character and get there autograph. Our first mission was to find Belle in France, we searched for a while but couldn't find her. finally my mom spotted her, but we didn't get there in time because Belle was talking a break. On our way to finding Belle we came across Aroura's spot, so we went back there to wait for her. I finally got to meet Belle, Aurora, and Snow White.

Monday, November 4th
Hello, welcome to day four. Today was Magic Kingdom & Epcot, A very busy day. The first park we went to was Animal Kingdom. The first ride we found was the avatar river boat, After waiting in line for what seemed liked forever! we finally made it onto the boat. The ride was good, but I didn't know much about Avatar. when we finished the ride we decided what are next move was going to be. Me and my mom went to go find some lunch while the rest of my family went on the Avatar flight of passage, for lunch we found a BBQ spot where I had macaroni and cheese.
When lunch was finished we were deciding if we should go to Epcot, or wait for the rest of my family. We decided to go to Epcot by ourselves, because they hadn't even got on the ride yet. When we got to Epcot we headed for the seas with nemo and friends, I liked this ride because I am a fan of finding nemo.
I wanted to find some character and get there autograph. Our first mission was to find Belle in France, we searched for a while but couldn't find her. finally my mom spotted her, but we didn't get there in time because Belle was talking a break. On our way to finding Belle we came across Aroura's spot, so we went back there to wait for her. I finally got to meet Belle, Aurora, and Snow White.

Meeting these characters were really fun! Before my trip I was researching a lot of thing about Disney World, one of the things I had come across was things to say or ask the characters. I had made a note of some of the things I would ask the characters , if I met them. With all of the princess I could barley get a word in, especially Belle. I had fun although it would have been nice to see more characters.

We had another Fastpass+ we had to get to. the Fastpass+ was to meet Mickey and friends. I saw Mickey mouse, Goofy, and Minnie mouse.
After meeting Mickey mouse and friends, we went to go for supper. We ended up at a Mexican spot. I then got dragged to go on the Soring around the world ride. At first it was scary, I didn't know what to expect. If you have ever been on this ride you will know what I am talking about. This ride takes you through different scenes. it was a little scary because it felt like you were up and down, and over top and through things. its a little hard to explain.
When we got back to the resort it was late, so I went to bed.
Tuesday, November 5th
Today was our second day of rest. We had thought we would go to the beach, but before going to the beach we went to hang out at the pool for a bit. After the pool I went back to the room to pack to go to the beach. It took an hour and half to get there, but we made it. At first I didn't want to go in the water, because I was a little bit afraid of the ocean. But I went in and I had fun. I swam for awhile, then I got out to take some pictures.
It was getting dark so we packed up, and went to go find somewhere to eat supper. We found this seafood place on the boardwalk. I wasn't in the food for seafood, so I went with a chicken sandwich. After supper we headed home.
Wednesday, November 6th
Today was are last day at universal. Before we left we wanted to decide what rides to go on. Yesterday my dad was trying to convince me to go on this Gringotts ride, that my mom and sisters went on the first day we were at universal. he didn't get to go last time because he was staying with me. this time we all went, My dad bribed me with a Hogwarts sweater. I am a little glad that I decided to go on, I was curious to see what it was about. it was also I was a tiny bit scared of the drops. After this ride we headed to the Hogwarts express. The train was having some difficulty's, we did not get to ride it then, but we did on our way home. there was nothing else we wanted to do, so we went home.
My auntie and uncle were also in Florida, so we invited them over for supper. After we ate some of us played crib. when they left I went to bed.
Thursday, November 6th
Today was my last day. 😢 On my last, we all spent it at the pool. before I went to the pool I needed to pack up. Sadly after spending some time at the pool, we had to head to the airport. I got home very late, or very early.
This trip has been the so good. I had the best time meeting my favourite characters. I am so happy and grateful that I had the opportunity to get to go to Disneyworld.
Thank you so much for reading
I hope you enjoyed reading as much as enjoyed writing it.
thank you for reading, I appreciate it.
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Twitter: @Madeline_Enns
Facebook: Madeline Enns
Instagram: Madeline Enns
Baking Instagram: Madelineennsbakes
Google+: Madeline Enns
I hope you have a lovely day,
until next time, bye
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