so I have a confession to make, I have been forgetting to do blogmas. I have been running a couple options through my head. I could have ended off at day 13, completely skip over a number of days with no explanation, or give you an explanation post.
In the time that I have missed there have been a few things happening. This past Friday the kids had there Christmas party, so we had Santa come visit the Daycare and all the kids got books and a candy cane. When we have parties the kids are each suppose to bring in something, so we had a lot of food for lunch. Another thing that happened was we finally decorated our tree.

That's pretty much all that happened between my last blog and now. I am sorry that I forgot and skipped a couple days. I will be back for new years eve and maybe even Christmas. This makes me feel so annoyed that I forgot to write! anyways I hope you have enjoyed blogmas so far.
Good night.
Thank you so much for reading!
I hoped you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed doing it.
thank you for reading, I appreciate it.
I hope that you keep reading and enjoying my blog.
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Have a lovely day!
Until next time, bye
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