Monday, 17 December 2018

Blogmas day 17 - Last minute christmas shopping

"I just like to smile, smiling's my favourite." Another great quote from Elf.
Hello, welcome to day 17! There is 7 days left until Christmas day.
Today I went Christmas shopping with my sister to get a few things. I don't want to give anything away, so I have decided to share some baking plans that I have for my Christmas family gatherings (If I decided to bake something,)
   On Pinterest I was looking at Christmas baking, and I came across a Stain glass (jolly rancher) sugar cookie recipe. I had recently bought some food writer pens. I was watching one of the baking shows, the challenge was to make ornaments. I had the idea to make sugar cookie ornament shaped cookies and decorate them with the edible pens. I then had another idea, making the ornament shape and putting the stain glass inside. I have quite a few ideas in my head. I might do one or I might do two ideas, or I might think of something new. If I do make something you will see it in an up coming post.

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Facebook: Madeline Enns
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Baking Instagram: Madelineennsbakes
Google+: Madeline Enns
I hope you have a magical day,
Until next time, bye    

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Blogmas day 15&16 - Gingerbread cookie decorating & Baking delivery

Hello, Today's quote comes from The Polar Express. "The bell still rings for all who truly believe."

 December 15th
Today is decorating day. After I ate I made my icing. This time I wanted to try something different. Usually when decorating gingerbread or sugar cookies, you use a royal icing. I thought it might be easier to use buttercream icing, Because I am more familiar with it.

For supper we Raclette, which according to the online dictionary is just suppose to be with a boiled potato. I like mine on bread. We had rented a movie, so after supper was finished we went to go watch I, Tonya. By the time the movie was finished it was late, so I went to sleep.

  December 16th
Today I had to deliver gingerbread cookies to the junior youth group's Christmas party. They were supposed to be brought to church to give to the youth leader, to take to the party. They were forgotten at home. Since I was going into Winnipeg to bring the cookies, I baked the last item for a for the same person I baked shortbread and gingersnaps for.  When the crust was in the oven I went to go take a bath. I made the lemon curd after. I have never made lemon squares before, so I didn't know what it was suppose to look like. I think they turned out ok.
 I got all my baking together, and then we left to go drop them off. First we went to go drop off the gingerbread cookies. The youth leader gave me these birthday day cake Oreos, with Mickey Mouse on the package. She knows that I love Mickey Mouse and Disney, Next I dropped of the lemon squares and then headed home.
 We had recorded saving Mr. banks on our PVR, so when I got home I wanted to watch it. I only watched a little bit of it, because my sister had to go and study. I am going to end this here.

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Facebook: Madeline Enns
Instagram: Madelineenns
Baking Instagram: Madelineennsbakes
Google+: Madeline Enns
I hope you have a magical day,
Until next time, bye    

Friday, 14 December 2018

Blogmas day 14 - Gingerbread house making & Gingerbread house deocrating

Hello, we are getting closer to Christmas. Only 10 days until Christmas. "Just remember the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart." - The polar Express.
 You might have noticed from the title, that I have jumped to day 14 for day 11. that is because I don't have much to write about my day. the only interesting thing I did yesterday was making gingerbread dough to decorate houses with my cousin and friend.

 December 14th
Today I got up early to make sure I had enough time to eat breakfast before my guests came. For breakfast I we had homemade quiche and bacon, For my moms birthday. After breakfast I set up everything for decorating our houses.   Our candy options were Sour patch kids, M&ms, Licorice, Mike & Ikes, Candy canes, Hershey's milk chocolate and peppermint hugs, jolly ranchers, and life saver mints.   Mine wasn't staying up properly. it collapsed 3 times before it stayed up.

After we finished decorating all our gingerbread houses, we had lunch. We had cottage cheese perogies, and vegan potato and cheese. After we cleaned up and  took some pictures of our gingerbread houses.
 I went to go relax on the couch to rest after all that baking and decorating. For supper I made myself a pita pizza with some salt and vinegar chips on the side. I watched some t.v. until I went to bed.

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Twitter: @Madeline_Enns
Facebook: Madeline Enns
Instagram: Madelineenns
Baking Instagram: Madelineennsbakes
Google+: Madeline Enns
I hope you have a magical day,
Until next time, bye    

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Blogmas day 11&12 -Gingerbread cookie baking + christmas concert

Welcome We only have 12 day until Christmas, we are getting close to the single digits.   I am running low on Christmassy jokes, so I though I would share some Christmas movie quotes that I like,  This one is my absolute favourite from Elf. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.
   I forgot to write my blog yesterday, so your going to get two days in one.

Tuesday December 11th
On Tuesday I got up and had my cheerios, After I ate I went to clean up the kitchen so I would have a clean space to bake my gingerbread cookies. Before you can put these cookies in the oven they need to be in the freezer twice. The first time you need to roll the dough out onto parchment paper and then put it in the freezer for 30 minutes, then take them out and cut them. After they are cut they need to go in the freezer for 28 minutes before baking them. they came  out of the oven, and I let them cook on a rack.
   while they were cooling I ate some lunch.  I finished my lunch and then I went to update my new Fitbit. My old Fitbit didn't work anymore, which is weird because I only got it last summer. If you Fitbit is broken and you can prove to them it is broken, they will send you a new one. that's what I did, on the Fitbit website I went to a help chat. I told the person I was chatting to that my Fitbit was broken. She went through the troubleshooting step with me, but in the end nothing work. I sent in a request to get a replacement and it worked, so here I am trying to set up my Fitbit but it was taking a long time. I left it and went to go watch t.v. For supper we had leftover veggie chili and farmer sausage burgers.
  My sister had wanted to go to Pineridge Hollow. It was 20% off day, and since my sister works there she could get us the discount. After we were done supper I went with my mom and two sisters.  didn't buy anything, but there was this sweater that I thought was nice, but I was convinced enough to spend money on it. We got home from Pineridge Hollow and then I went upstairs to go to bed.

Wednesday December 12th (current day)
Hello everyone, I hope your doing well. This quote comes to you from Elf. There are so many good quotes in that movie. "We elves try to stick to the for main food groups: Candy, Candy canes, Candy corn and syrup."    
This morning was my first morning of the week for my chemo pills. They have added a few more, so the night before we went over when I needed to take what, I wasn't sure when I should have taken the new stuff so I called my mom. After taking my first set of pills I have to wait 30 until the next set, and then after that you also have to wait 30 minutes to eat. I watch Home Alone while waiting to eat.  When my timer was up it was lunch time, so I made myself some macaroni.
  My mom's music concert today. my Grandpa and Grandma came to pick me and my sister up so we could go together. We got there early, so I went to go visit the daycare where I still work to say hi to everybody, I also showed my sister around. We headed back because the show was going to start soon.  The show was good, I especially liked the Christmas karaoke with D.J Jingle-with a Z. The show was over so we headed home. I helped my sister study until supper time. I came up with making a grilled cheese sandwich and a salad.
  I have plans to make gingerbread houses with my friend on Friday, so I did a little bit of cleaning in the kitchen. I went to bed after this.

  Thank you for reading
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Facebook: Madeline Enns
Instagram: Madelineenns
Baking Instagram: Madelineennsbakes
Google+: Madeline Enns
I hope you have a magical day,
Until next time, bye    

Cakes/Bakes I have made recently series part 3

Hello, Welcome back to The Nook Todays quote is "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day" -Winnie the pooh ...