Hello my sugar cookies,
how are you today?
What I think I will do is combine today and tommorow, because I didn't do much today and I probably won't do much tomorrow except for do homework, so there will not be much to read for onr day so you can read two days instead of one.
Today I woke up early and went to go christmas shopping at polo park. Shopping took pretty much all day. when i got home I had supper and wrapped my gifts. I'm not really good at wrapping presents, but thats ok because people our just going to rip it open anyways. I finished wrapping the gifts and put them under our tree, and then catched up on The Michalaks, Zoella and Tanya Burrs After that I went to bed. Good night
Wednesday December 23rd
How are you all today?
This morning I slept in until 10:00 and it felt good. When got up I went downstairs to have breakfast, for breakfast I had a bagel with cream cheese.
Today I planned to do homework. After I had my breakfast I went outside to shovel the front porch and the sidewalk, when I was done I went to play with my cat Juno for a little while.
I think Juno loves the snow, she loves to run around in the snow. When she runs into the snow she makes an imprint and then puts her face in the snow, she also likes to try and go after the snowflakes.
By the time I got inside it was about 1:00 so I made myself some lunch. After lunch I went to write my story, I didn't finish but I did get further. For supper we had soup and biscuits.
After supper I had a shower, and In the evening we watched dr. Suess how the grinch stole Christmas, and Arthur Christmas. After I went to bed.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying this blog,
If you want to find out what I post, when I post you can subscribe to my blog by putting in your email address on my home page, or you can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+. I'm sorry that I can't get this up because our wifi isn't working so I might have to upload this when I can. Sorry.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Hello, Welcome to my Blog! Here you can read my favourite recipes, my day, My thoughts, etc. I hope you enjoy my blog and follow if you like. Have a lovely day, Madeline
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Blogmas Day 24
Hello my lovley decorated Christmas trees,
Happy Christmas Eve!!!
Happy Christmas Eve!!!
I can't believe it's Christmas Eve already!!
Today I woke up early and had Cheerios for breakfast and then watched vlogmas videos.
After I went and got dressed and started to clean my room.
For lunch I had a pita pizza with ham, pepperoni, tomatoes and havarti cheese. This pizza was good, resontly I have been really liking baked tomatoes on pizza.
After lunch I vaccumed the basement and then finished cleaning my room.
This evening we our going to church for the Christmas Eve service and then we are going to my mums friends house to hang out and probably eat food.
I don't really have much to say today either than I am excited for Christmas tomorrow, as you can probably tell from all my blogs they keep getting shorter, because during the Christmas break I haven't done a whole lot.
Tomorrow is Christmas Day!!! I will open presents, have eggs benidict for brunch and then my Oma and opa are coming over for supper.
I can't believe that this is the last blog in Blogmas and the end for everyone's vlogmas and 24 days of zoella. I really enjoyed watching all the videos.
I hope you enjoyed reading these blogposts as much as I had writing them. I hope you have a lovley Christmas! I will be gone all evening and probably won't be back until late so I am going to end this early, and say good night and have a wonderful Christmas!
I hope you keep reading and enjoying my blog
If you want to find out what I post, when I post you can subscribe to my blog by putting in your email address on my home page, or you can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+. I'm sorry that I can't get this up because our wifi isn't working so I might have to upload this when I can. Sorry.
Until tomorrow, bye!
After lunch I vaccumed the basement and then finished cleaning my room.
This evening we our going to church for the Christmas Eve service and then we are going to my mums friends house to hang out and probably eat food.
I don't really have much to say today either than I am excited for Christmas tomorrow, as you can probably tell from all my blogs they keep getting shorter, because during the Christmas break I haven't done a whole lot.
Tomorrow is Christmas Day!!! I will open presents, have eggs benidict for brunch and then my Oma and opa are coming over for supper.
I can't believe that this is the last blog in Blogmas and the end for everyone's vlogmas and 24 days of zoella. I really enjoyed watching all the videos.
I hope you enjoyed reading these blogposts as much as I had writing them. I hope you have a lovley Christmas! I will be gone all evening and probably won't be back until late so I am going to end this early, and say good night and have a wonderful Christmas!
I hope you keep reading and enjoying my blog
If you want to find out what I post, when I post you can subscribe to my blog by putting in your email address on my home page, or you can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+. I'm sorry that I can't get this up because our wifi isn't working so I might have to upload this when I can. Sorry.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Monday, 21 December 2015
Blogmas Day 21
Hello my christmas advent chocolate's,
How are you doing today?
Today I woke up this morning and me and sarah made french toast and watched some more full house. After breakfast we got ready and then went to sarahs oma's house to make cookies. we made jam-jams and another type of cookies with jam in it. When we finished we went to our friends house to knit, we knitted for about 2 hours.
I got home after my dad had to stop at the mall and costco. When we got in me and my mum and my sister decorated the christmas tree.
I can't believe there is only 4 more days until christmas. I still haven't gone christmas shopping, but my sister, my mum and I are probably going to got tomorrow. I really don't lnow what I'm going to get my family for christmas. For the gift game for the wiebe christmas gathering we decided that we would get a present that begins with the first letter of our first name, I think this Is such a good and fun idea and I can wait to see what people come up with!
I feel like these blog posts are getting shorter and shorter by the day. Right now I am sitting in my bed catching up on videos and vlogmas, and writing.
My plan is to start writing my blog post on the bake sale during christmas break, probably after christmas because thats when I will have the most time. I am so excited to wrote that and share some recipes with you guys.
Tomorrow we are going christmas shopping, and I will probablt wrap the presents and i'll maybe put on a christmas movie.
I kind of don't want christmas to end because all the festive videos and vlogmas's will be over, and I love all the christmas songs and christmas decorations and christmas trees. Allthough i am so excited for new years at camp moose lake.
I don't really feel as festive as I probably should be and that I want to be. I think it might be because our house doesn't have many decorations. I hope I will feel more festive on christmaas eve or hopfully christmas day.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying this post.
If you want to see what I post, when I post you can subscribe to my blog by email on the left side of my blog. Or you can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
How are you doing today?
Today I woke up this morning and me and sarah made french toast and watched some more full house. After breakfast we got ready and then went to sarahs oma's house to make cookies. we made jam-jams and another type of cookies with jam in it. When we finished we went to our friends house to knit, we knitted for about 2 hours.
I got home after my dad had to stop at the mall and costco. When we got in me and my mum and my sister decorated the christmas tree.
I can't believe there is only 4 more days until christmas. I still haven't gone christmas shopping, but my sister, my mum and I are probably going to got tomorrow. I really don't lnow what I'm going to get my family for christmas. For the gift game for the wiebe christmas gathering we decided that we would get a present that begins with the first letter of our first name, I think this Is such a good and fun idea and I can wait to see what people come up with!
I feel like these blog posts are getting shorter and shorter by the day. Right now I am sitting in my bed catching up on videos and vlogmas, and writing.
My plan is to start writing my blog post on the bake sale during christmas break, probably after christmas because thats when I will have the most time. I am so excited to wrote that and share some recipes with you guys.
Tomorrow we are going christmas shopping, and I will probablt wrap the presents and i'll maybe put on a christmas movie.
I kind of don't want christmas to end because all the festive videos and vlogmas's will be over, and I love all the christmas songs and christmas decorations and christmas trees. Allthough i am so excited for new years at camp moose lake.
I don't really feel as festive as I probably should be and that I want to be. I think it might be because our house doesn't have many decorations. I hope I will feel more festive on christmaas eve or hopfully christmas day.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying this post.
If you want to see what I post, when I post you can subscribe to my blog by email on the left side of my blog. Or you can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Blogmas Day 20
Hello my snow people,
How are you doing today?
This morning I woke up a little late for church, I packed my bad because I was staying at my friend house over night, and got dressed. At church we had some of the little kids sing some Christmas songs and do a little Christmas play. When church was done I went with my friends to michals to but some yarn. We went back to there house and had some grilled cheese and alphagetty,and then went to go watch aurthur Christmas. For supper we had steak, mashed potatoes and mushrooms.
Me and Sarah were going to a youth Christmas party, so that's why I went to her house for night, so we could go together. We had to bring ice cream toppings and a gift with a limit of $5.00. For the toppings we brought skie bits and butterscotch chips, and for the gift me and Sarah both got $5.00 Tim Hortons cards.
The Christmas party was good, there was a lot of people from our youth group there. We played games and a gift grab game, I got a chocolate bear.
The gift game is where you pick a price limit for a gift, Whe you are ready to play the game, you place all the gifts in the middle and then everybody gets a number. 1- how ever many people are playing, and then each person in order can either take a gift from the middle, or steal a unwrapped gift from somebody else. If someone steals your gift, now you can either steal or open a new one. If that makes any sense.
After the gift game we had ice cream, I had chocolate and vanilla ice cream with skie bits, butterscotch chips and a few m&m's. When we got home we got our pajamas on and watched friends and full house in Sarah's bed. After that I took my medicine and went to bed. I'm sorry that this post hasn't been that long, but I haven't done many I treating things today.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying this blog.
If you want to see what I post, when I post you can follow/subscribe to my blog or on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Me and Sarah were going to a youth Christmas party, so that's why I went to her house for night, so we could go together. We had to bring ice cream toppings and a gift with a limit of $5.00. For the toppings we brought skie bits and butterscotch chips, and for the gift me and Sarah both got $5.00 Tim Hortons cards.
The Christmas party was good, there was a lot of people from our youth group there. We played games and a gift grab game, I got a chocolate bear.
The gift game is where you pick a price limit for a gift, Whe you are ready to play the game, you place all the gifts in the middle and then everybody gets a number. 1- how ever many people are playing, and then each person in order can either take a gift from the middle, or steal a unwrapped gift from somebody else. If someone steals your gift, now you can either steal or open a new one. If that makes any sense.
After the gift game we had ice cream, I had chocolate and vanilla ice cream with skie bits, butterscotch chips and a few m&m's. When we got home we got our pajamas on and watched friends and full house in Sarah's bed. After that I took my medicine and went to bed. I'm sorry that this post hasn't been that long, but I haven't done many I treating things today.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying this blog.
If you want to see what I post, when I post you can follow/subscribe to my blog or on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Blogmas Day 19
Hello my Christmas trees,
How are you today?
Today is the day we got our Christmas tree!
This morning I got up at 9:00 and made myself a bagel with a fried egg, ham and cheese, and I also had half a chocolate muffin.
We were suppose to leave at 10:00, but we left a little late. I took us about an hour and a half to get to the place. We were on our way into the drive s bit but we had to go back home because we forgot our permit.
How it works is you buy a permit and then go to a designated forest lot and then pick your tree and chop it down. When we got there it didn't take us long to find good trees, we found two that we liked, so we chopped down both. One smaller one for downstairs and one big tree for the main floor. The first tree was a little hard to chop down because it was so thick and talk, but we eventually got it down. After that we made a fire to roast hot dogs on. While the fire was getting ready they chopped down the other tree and went to put them both on the van. We roasted hot dogs for a late lunch, and had hot chocolate.
When we were done we out out the fire and went to the van and strapped the trees down and went home.
When we got home we took the trees of and out the main one inside. It's a really big tree.
We are going to our friends house to go caroling and hang out at there place, I went to go get dressed and fixed my hair.
Recently I have been wearing my hair in two Dutch French braid. I've seen people like Zoe and Gabby wear this in video and it looks really good, so this had become my favourite hairstyle. I also started writing today's blog and catching up on vlogmas. We headed to a old folks home i guess you could call it to carol with our friends. After that we went back to there house to have some food, and we ended playing heads up the bible category. It was getting ate so we went home. I took my medicine and then went to bed.
so I was going to put pictures from today in this post but its not working so im going to see if i cant put them in a slideshow on my blog and you can see them that way. I'm not really good with internet and computers so I will see if I can get help on this and you will see them soon hopfully.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to find out what I post, when I post you can follow/subscribe to my blog, or follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
How are you today?
Today is the day we got our Christmas tree!
This morning I got up at 9:00 and made myself a bagel with a fried egg, ham and cheese, and I also had half a chocolate muffin.
We were suppose to leave at 10:00, but we left a little late. I took us about an hour and a half to get to the place. We were on our way into the drive s bit but we had to go back home because we forgot our permit.
How it works is you buy a permit and then go to a designated forest lot and then pick your tree and chop it down. When we got there it didn't take us long to find good trees, we found two that we liked, so we chopped down both. One smaller one for downstairs and one big tree for the main floor. The first tree was a little hard to chop down because it was so thick and talk, but we eventually got it down. After that we made a fire to roast hot dogs on. While the fire was getting ready they chopped down the other tree and went to put them both on the van. We roasted hot dogs for a late lunch, and had hot chocolate.
When we were done we out out the fire and went to the van and strapped the trees down and went home.
When we got home we took the trees of and out the main one inside. It's a really big tree.
We are going to our friends house to go caroling and hang out at there place, I went to go get dressed and fixed my hair.
Recently I have been wearing my hair in two Dutch French braid. I've seen people like Zoe and Gabby wear this in video and it looks really good, so this had become my favourite hairstyle. I also started writing today's blog and catching up on vlogmas. We headed to a old folks home i guess you could call it to carol with our friends. After that we went back to there house to have some food, and we ended playing heads up the bible category. It was getting ate so we went home. I took my medicine and then went to bed.
so I was going to put pictures from today in this post but its not working so im going to see if i cant put them in a slideshow on my blog and you can see them that way. I'm not really good with internet and computers so I will see if I can get help on this and you will see them soon hopfully.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to find out what I post, when I post you can follow/subscribe to my blog, or follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Friday, 18 December 2015
Blogmas Day 18
Hello my christmas pretzel hugs,
How are you today?
Today was my last day of school before christmas break!
I woke up this morning feeling a ok. I was a little rushed in the morning.
this morning in choral we went to sing for on of my teacher secret santa, after that we went to the elementry school across the road to sing christmas carols. My friend and I thought that we would be singing with some music class, but no. we sang infront of the whole school in the gym. We sang let it snow, jinglebells and frosty the snowman. during frosty the snowman the kids joined in.
Next I had spare. during spare I played on my ipad, and talked. our guidence counciller brought her little dog to school today, its name was Mini and im not sure what kind of dog it was. My friend was asking us why she was aloud to bring her dog, and he wasn't aloud to bring his goat or his bunny. this doesn't sound like a varible argument. This arugment went on for a while, we tried to tell him thhat she was aloud to bring her dog because 1 shes a teacher, 2 she probably got permission, 3 its for educational purposes, to help make students feel a little better. he wanted to bring his bunny or goat just because he wanted to.
After spare I had foods. We made cookies in foods. the cookie recipe that we used was a simple recipe. The recipe was any cake mix you like rolled oats 2 eggs and 250ml of whatever you want, like white chocolate chips, craisins, skor bits, m&m's or anything you like really.
Next it was lunch, during lunch u was in the drama room with my friends.
After lunch we had grade wars. Grade wars is when all the grades get together in there colours (grade nines are red, grade tens are yellow, grade elevens are blue and grade twelves are green). I am in grade 12 so I wore green. The different grade compete in different activities. Like for the walk-a-thon we had grade wars events like tough of war, paper air plane making, broom ball, and football. And then we have what we had today, a mini grade wars that we only started doing last year. This year for events we had egg nog flip cup, a gingerbread making contest, wrap a teacher, present pass, and Christmas kareoke. We didn't do so well at this but we did win wrap a teacher. This lasted u till the end of the day, so after the activities were done we went to the bus to go home.
When I got home I ate my cookies that I made in foods and turned on the tv because I deserved a little relaxing. My mum and my sister were gone so it was just my other sister, my dad and I.
We made our own suppers, I had a meatball wrap with some cucumbers and humus and my sister and my dad had French toast.
After supper I had a nice long bath. I used a gingerbread man bath bomb and watched the first Harry Potter. It was supper relaxing and what I needed. When I got out of the bath tub I went to my room to finish Harry Potter and then took my medicine. When I was writing my blogpost I finished Harry Potter, so I put in frozen and then after a while I went to bed.
I don't know if I will be able to post my blogs on time because our wifi isn't that great, and I don't know how much my dad will let me use his hotspot, but I will find a way.
Can you believe there is only seven days until Christmas? It feels like December has just flown by.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying my blog.
You can follow/subscribe to my blog or any of my social media links if you want to find out what I post, when I post.
You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
How are you today?
Today was my last day of school before christmas break!
I woke up this morning feeling a ok. I was a little rushed in the morning.
this morning in choral we went to sing for on of my teacher secret santa, after that we went to the elementry school across the road to sing christmas carols. My friend and I thought that we would be singing with some music class, but no. we sang infront of the whole school in the gym. We sang let it snow, jinglebells and frosty the snowman. during frosty the snowman the kids joined in.
Next I had spare. during spare I played on my ipad, and talked. our guidence counciller brought her little dog to school today, its name was Mini and im not sure what kind of dog it was. My friend was asking us why she was aloud to bring her dog, and he wasn't aloud to bring his goat or his bunny. this doesn't sound like a varible argument. This arugment went on for a while, we tried to tell him thhat she was aloud to bring her dog because 1 shes a teacher, 2 she probably got permission, 3 its for educational purposes, to help make students feel a little better. he wanted to bring his bunny or goat just because he wanted to.
After spare I had foods. We made cookies in foods. the cookie recipe that we used was a simple recipe. The recipe was any cake mix you like rolled oats 2 eggs and 250ml of whatever you want, like white chocolate chips, craisins, skor bits, m&m's or anything you like really.
Next it was lunch, during lunch u was in the drama room with my friends.
After lunch we had grade wars. Grade wars is when all the grades get together in there colours (grade nines are red, grade tens are yellow, grade elevens are blue and grade twelves are green). I am in grade 12 so I wore green. The different grade compete in different activities. Like for the walk-a-thon we had grade wars events like tough of war, paper air plane making, broom ball, and football. And then we have what we had today, a mini grade wars that we only started doing last year. This year for events we had egg nog flip cup, a gingerbread making contest, wrap a teacher, present pass, and Christmas kareoke. We didn't do so well at this but we did win wrap a teacher. This lasted u till the end of the day, so after the activities were done we went to the bus to go home.
When I got home I ate my cookies that I made in foods and turned on the tv because I deserved a little relaxing. My mum and my sister were gone so it was just my other sister, my dad and I.
We made our own suppers, I had a meatball wrap with some cucumbers and humus and my sister and my dad had French toast.
After supper I had a nice long bath. I used a gingerbread man bath bomb and watched the first Harry Potter. It was supper relaxing and what I needed. When I got out of the bath tub I went to my room to finish Harry Potter and then took my medicine. When I was writing my blogpost I finished Harry Potter, so I put in frozen and then after a while I went to bed.
I don't know if I will be able to post my blogs on time because our wifi isn't that great, and I don't know how much my dad will let me use his hotspot, but I will find a way.
Can you believe there is only seven days until Christmas? It feels like December has just flown by.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying my blog.
You can follow/subscribe to my blog or any of my social media links if you want to find out what I post, when I post.
You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Blogmas day 17
Hello my sugar plum fairies,
How are you all today?
Today is my last full day of school, because tomorrow we have grade wars activities in the afternoon and early dismissal at 2:30.
This morning I was really hoping for a snow day because it has been so bad outside, but there was school.
When I got to school I had choral. In choral we packed up the hamper boxes, and then for the last few minutes we sang the love me like you do/see you again/sugar medley.
Next I had foods. In food we only had a few people in class because there was a field trip. We did an read an article and did an assignment and then we got to leave. After I got back to sci I went to the cafeteria to study for my psychology test, this went into spare and then I finished up, and watched some vlogmas.
During lunch I was in the drama room, and then me and my friends went to the gym to set up for a play that the drama room is watching. When we went back and forth to the drama room from the gym, we formed a line and acted like ducks down the hallway. Lunch ended and then I had ELA. This ELA class I feel went a lot better than other days because I finished my rough draft of the article.
In psychology I did my test, it wasn't to bad.
When I got home I had a snack and went downstairs to relaxed I front of the tv, because I needed a evening off.
We thought dance was going to be cancelled because the roads were so bad, but it wasn't.
My sister didn't go to dance because she has two exams tomorrow, my friend and her sister weren't at dance because they got a little bit stuck in their driveway. For group it was just me so, since I missed last Thursday because of my mums concert I was behind, so I went over the dance and the new part, and added on to it.
In ballet it was me and one other girl in my ballet class. We went overt he dance because we just started so we didn't really remember a lot of it. In group it was three of us, we went over our hip hop and added on a bit.
My friend gave me a ride home from dance, when I got home I went downstairs to watch A Muppets Christmas: letter to Santa I think it's called.
After the muppets I took my medicine made my lunch and went to bed.
Tomorrow is grade colour day and grade wars activities, and early dismissal. Tomorrow is the last day before Christmas break!
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to find out what I post, when I post you can follow me at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+
Until tomorrow, bye!
How are you all today?
Today is my last full day of school, because tomorrow we have grade wars activities in the afternoon and early dismissal at 2:30.
This morning I was really hoping for a snow day because it has been so bad outside, but there was school.
When I got to school I had choral. In choral we packed up the hamper boxes, and then for the last few minutes we sang the love me like you do/see you again/sugar medley.
Next I had foods. In food we only had a few people in class because there was a field trip. We did an read an article and did an assignment and then we got to leave. After I got back to sci I went to the cafeteria to study for my psychology test, this went into spare and then I finished up, and watched some vlogmas.
During lunch I was in the drama room, and then me and my friends went to the gym to set up for a play that the drama room is watching. When we went back and forth to the drama room from the gym, we formed a line and acted like ducks down the hallway. Lunch ended and then I had ELA. This ELA class I feel went a lot better than other days because I finished my rough draft of the article.
In psychology I did my test, it wasn't to bad.
When I got home I had a snack and went downstairs to relaxed I front of the tv, because I needed a evening off.
We thought dance was going to be cancelled because the roads were so bad, but it wasn't.
My sister didn't go to dance because she has two exams tomorrow, my friend and her sister weren't at dance because they got a little bit stuck in their driveway. For group it was just me so, since I missed last Thursday because of my mums concert I was behind, so I went over the dance and the new part, and added on to it.
In ballet it was me and one other girl in my ballet class. We went overt he dance because we just started so we didn't really remember a lot of it. In group it was three of us, we went over our hip hop and added on a bit.
My friend gave me a ride home from dance, when I got home I went downstairs to watch A Muppets Christmas: letter to Santa I think it's called.
After the muppets I took my medicine made my lunch and went to bed.
Tomorrow is grade colour day and grade wars activities, and early dismissal. Tomorrow is the last day before Christmas break!
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to find out what I post, when I post you can follow me at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+
Until tomorrow, bye!
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Blogmas day 16
Hello my sugar plum Faries,
How are you doing today?
It's the last week of school, one more day and then half a day until Christmas break. Or only half a day left because there might be a snow day tommorow. THERES 9 MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Yeah!
Today I woke up feeling tired again because I stayed up late last night doing work, and then I had to have a shower and make my lunch.
today I almost missed the bus because I had to finish my medicine. when i was done my medicine, I ran out the door and down the drive way. our bus driver doesn't really stop for a long time at peoples drive ways. I didnt miss the bus. it was a quiet bus ride like most in the morning now, mpst people in the morning listen to their music.
first subject of the day was choral. In choral wee sorted the food haper items into room numbers and went through everything to make sure that everything was in there and nothing was expired, i had spare next so I finished up the boxes I was doing. both of my friends weren't at school today, so i didn't have spare with them. instead I got a lot of studying done for my psychology test tomorrow on memory.Next i had foods. today in foods we made tish omlet that you baked in the oven and then melted ccheese on top, and poured pizza sauce over it. this dish was interesting. it was just two people in my kitchen today, so i was the cook. I didn't have enough time to eat it in class so I took it back to sci to eat it for lunch.
today for spirit week was ugly sweater day. i wore my dads sweater with a mountian goat on it. with ugly sweater day you could also take pictures with santa, me and my friends took a picture with santa.
in the afternoon right after lunch I had psychology. we had a subsitute in psychology so i just asked to study in the library, because thats what we were doing in class anyways and it was noisey in the class room.
i am really starting not to like ela. i am starting not to like it because all this exam stuff, and I can't think of anything to write for the practice topic. i just can't wait until i have a break from this!
when I got home i wanted to take a break before i got to work so I went on my ipad. After I went to work to study for my psuchology test. Supper was ready, for supper we had spagetthi with meatballs and ceaser salad. Supper was finished and I went back to the living room to study. I was really tired so I tried to take a nap but my sister kept anoyying me, so i didn't end up taking a nap. But I did finish studying.
When I was done studying I got to go to bed. but first I needed to make my lunch and take my medicine. And then I went to bed.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
You can follow/subscribe to my blog if you want to see what I post when I post, and you can also keep updated and follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
How are you doing today?
It's the last week of school, one more day and then half a day until Christmas break. Or only half a day left because there might be a snow day tommorow. THERES 9 MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Yeah!
Today I woke up feeling tired again because I stayed up late last night doing work, and then I had to have a shower and make my lunch.
today I almost missed the bus because I had to finish my medicine. when i was done my medicine, I ran out the door and down the drive way. our bus driver doesn't really stop for a long time at peoples drive ways. I didnt miss the bus. it was a quiet bus ride like most in the morning now, mpst people in the morning listen to their music.
first subject of the day was choral. In choral wee sorted the food haper items into room numbers and went through everything to make sure that everything was in there and nothing was expired, i had spare next so I finished up the boxes I was doing. both of my friends weren't at school today, so i didn't have spare with them. instead I got a lot of studying done for my psychology test tomorrow on memory.Next i had foods. today in foods we made tish omlet that you baked in the oven and then melted ccheese on top, and poured pizza sauce over it. this dish was interesting. it was just two people in my kitchen today, so i was the cook. I didn't have enough time to eat it in class so I took it back to sci to eat it for lunch.
today for spirit week was ugly sweater day. i wore my dads sweater with a mountian goat on it. with ugly sweater day you could also take pictures with santa, me and my friends took a picture with santa.
in the afternoon right after lunch I had psychology. we had a subsitute in psychology so i just asked to study in the library, because thats what we were doing in class anyways and it was noisey in the class room.
i am really starting not to like ela. i am starting not to like it because all this exam stuff, and I can't think of anything to write for the practice topic. i just can't wait until i have a break from this!
when I got home i wanted to take a break before i got to work so I went on my ipad. After I went to work to study for my psuchology test. Supper was ready, for supper we had spagetthi with meatballs and ceaser salad. Supper was finished and I went back to the living room to study. I was really tired so I tried to take a nap but my sister kept anoyying me, so i didn't end up taking a nap. But I did finish studying.
When I was done studying I got to go to bed. but first I needed to make my lunch and take my medicine. And then I went to bed.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
You can follow/subscribe to my blog if you want to see what I post when I post, and you can also keep updated and follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Blogmas day 14&15
Hello my snowflake sprinkles
today for this post i will put day day 14 and day 15 into one day, because yesterday i didn't do much.
yesterday was monday. i started the day with getting up late, but my mum was driving to school. the the reason why i wanted to be driven to school was because i didn't want to take this huge bag of bells and santa hats on the bus.
I got to school a little bit late,but know worries. in choral we worked on singing the christmas carols because we were going to go caroling around the school tomorrow. after choral me and my friend had spare, we didn't do much on spare, just talking really. next was foods. i wasn't at school on friday in the morning, so i didn't know that they had started making lemon meringue pie, so on friday the baked it and i just folded laundry because I didn't have a job to do. after spare I had lunch. i spent my lunch hour hanging out with my friend. at 12:30 I was suppose to go and fix some questions for a psychology test, I totally forgot about this.
after lunch I had psychology, when i got to psychology my teacher asked me where I was at lunch. i told her that i had forgot about it, and scheduled it for tuesday. In psychology we started a new project. the project is to make a brochure about ways to improve your memory, memorizing techniques. ela was my last class of the day. ela is really stressful right now because of all the exam prep were doing, and the fact that i am still behind in somethings. i was just waiting for this class, and this day to be over.
when I got home i went straight to the computer to work on my story. i worked on this until supper. for supper we had this beef stew, it was scrumptious. after supper i went back downstairs to work on my story. because I had a lot of work to do I didn't go to zumba.
I didn't finish my story, but i had to study for the psychology test that I got some questions wrong. i stayed up almost until 1:00 in the morning going over everything. i was finally finished and i went to bed.
Tuesday December 15th 2015
Hello my christmas puddings.
How are you all doing today? this morning I woke up feeling very tired from staying up to late studying. but i did get up and make to the bus on time. today we are going caroling through the halls, which made me exited. when I got to class we did some warm ups, put our santa hats on, got our bells and started to sing through the halls and go to different classrooms.
Next class I had after choral was foods, today in foods we were looking at and discussing what oragin are favorite foods are from, and the 5 main canadian inventions. After foods I had spare, during spare me and my friends were chatting and laughing about these drawings that my friend were making of us.
It was lunch time, and i was in the drama room for lunch until 12:30, because i was suppose to go into psychology and fix my test. (yes I remembered) when i went to look in her room for her she wasn't there so i went and asked the office to call her down. when she got to the office she said she had to do some stuff during lunch so we would do it during class.
After lunch I had ELA, in ela we had a subsitute and we continued to work on exam stuff snd it was terribly boring, and again wishing the class would end.
At the end of the day i had psychology and i did my test. I went out in to the halls and my psychology teacher asked me the questions that i missed or got wrong.
the bus ride was nice and relaxing, it was my brak because as soon as i got home i went to work on my story. for supper we had mini chicken pot pies. after dinner i went back to work.
im probably just going to finish what i have to get done for the night, have a shower, make my lunch, then i will just go to bed.
I'm sorry that these last few days haven't had much in the blog, but this is the last week of school, and on the weekend I am going to do tons of fun stuff like go get the christmas tree, go caroling, and a christmas party with with our friends, and then a youth group christmas party. so you can look foward to that!
I hope youkeep reading and enjoying!
If you want you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow. Bye!
today for this post i will put day day 14 and day 15 into one day, because yesterday i didn't do much.
yesterday was monday. i started the day with getting up late, but my mum was driving to school. the the reason why i wanted to be driven to school was because i didn't want to take this huge bag of bells and santa hats on the bus.
I got to school a little bit late,but know worries. in choral we worked on singing the christmas carols because we were going to go caroling around the school tomorrow. after choral me and my friend had spare, we didn't do much on spare, just talking really. next was foods. i wasn't at school on friday in the morning, so i didn't know that they had started making lemon meringue pie, so on friday the baked it and i just folded laundry because I didn't have a job to do. after spare I had lunch. i spent my lunch hour hanging out with my friend. at 12:30 I was suppose to go and fix some questions for a psychology test, I totally forgot about this.
after lunch I had psychology, when i got to psychology my teacher asked me where I was at lunch. i told her that i had forgot about it, and scheduled it for tuesday. In psychology we started a new project. the project is to make a brochure about ways to improve your memory, memorizing techniques. ela was my last class of the day. ela is really stressful right now because of all the exam prep were doing, and the fact that i am still behind in somethings. i was just waiting for this class, and this day to be over.
when I got home i went straight to the computer to work on my story. i worked on this until supper. for supper we had this beef stew, it was scrumptious. after supper i went back downstairs to work on my story. because I had a lot of work to do I didn't go to zumba.
I didn't finish my story, but i had to study for the psychology test that I got some questions wrong. i stayed up almost until 1:00 in the morning going over everything. i was finally finished and i went to bed.
Tuesday December 15th 2015
Hello my christmas puddings.
How are you all doing today? this morning I woke up feeling very tired from staying up to late studying. but i did get up and make to the bus on time. today we are going caroling through the halls, which made me exited. when I got to class we did some warm ups, put our santa hats on, got our bells and started to sing through the halls and go to different classrooms.
Next class I had after choral was foods, today in foods we were looking at and discussing what oragin are favorite foods are from, and the 5 main canadian inventions. After foods I had spare, during spare me and my friends were chatting and laughing about these drawings that my friend were making of us.
It was lunch time, and i was in the drama room for lunch until 12:30, because i was suppose to go into psychology and fix my test. (yes I remembered) when i went to look in her room for her she wasn't there so i went and asked the office to call her down. when she got to the office she said she had to do some stuff during lunch so we would do it during class.
After lunch I had ELA, in ela we had a subsitute and we continued to work on exam stuff snd it was terribly boring, and again wishing the class would end.
At the end of the day i had psychology and i did my test. I went out in to the halls and my psychology teacher asked me the questions that i missed or got wrong.
the bus ride was nice and relaxing, it was my brak because as soon as i got home i went to work on my story. for supper we had mini chicken pot pies. after dinner i went back to work.
im probably just going to finish what i have to get done for the night, have a shower, make my lunch, then i will just go to bed.
I'm sorry that these last few days haven't had much in the blog, but this is the last week of school, and on the weekend I am going to do tons of fun stuff like go get the christmas tree, go caroling, and a christmas party with with our friends, and then a youth group christmas party. so you can look foward to that!
I hope youkeep reading and enjoying!
If you want you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow. Bye!
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Blogmas day 13 & Update
hello my star shaped sprinkles.
I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while. This past week I have been sick, so there wasn't much to blog about. It turns out I have strep throat.
On Friday I went to a walk in clinic. It turns out I have strep throat, I have to take this awful medicine for it that tastes of mint. Now I like mint but this is a very very terrible tasting mint, and is chalky. It's gross.
I missed almost a whole week of school. I went on Monday and then missed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and the morning on Friday. On Friday I went to my afternoon classes. My first class after lunch was ELA. In English we are getting ready, and practicing a mock exam for the provincial ELA exam after the holiday. Since I missed so much I had a lot to do over the weekend.
After ELA I had psychology. We finished writing notes and watched a movie while I was away. My psychology teacher wants me to come in and talk to her about the last test we did, she probably wants to go over some questions with me. That means I should probably study that topic a bit again since its been a while, and we had a test coming up on Thursday about memory so u need to study for that, and I need to finish writing my supernatural story. I have been so busy with just work that I haven't been blogging.
My dad got back from Florida and he brought back two Harry Potter shirts. One with the hogwarts logo on it, and one with platform 9 3/4 on it, a mug with the hogwarts logo on it, a travel mug with Mickey Mouse on it, a Carlos bakery mug especially for me, cookies foprom Carlos bakery and some Mickey Mouse playing cards.
Another thing I had to do was finish the Christmas pretzel hugs, make puppy chow, and make and decorate cupcakes for the bake sale at church.
I had a really fun time making all these things for the bake sale. This Sunday morning we sold the baking at church. There was a lot of treats! My cupcakes were selling fast.
After church I got home and my mum made lunch, after lunch I finished watching The Sound Of music.
When the sound of music was over j went downstairs to work on my exam stuff for ELA.
We had made reservations at a restaurant for Natalie's birthday. Fisrt we made them for 5:30 but we found out later that she works until 7:00, so we changed the reservation for later and she will meet us at the restaurant. We went to this Italian place called carbones. On our way home we got the mail. My grad picture proofs were in, I kind of like them. When we got home I took my medicine and finished up some work that was due tomorrow and then I went to bed.
This week is the last week off school.during the last day of school we always have spirit week. On Monday, tomorrow is comfy day! That's always my favorite day.
I hope you Keep reading and enjoying, and I'm sorry that I missed a couple day in Blogmas.
Find out what I post when I post
You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while. This past week I have been sick, so there wasn't much to blog about. It turns out I have strep throat.
On Friday I went to a walk in clinic. It turns out I have strep throat, I have to take this awful medicine for it that tastes of mint. Now I like mint but this is a very very terrible tasting mint, and is chalky. It's gross.
I missed almost a whole week of school. I went on Monday and then missed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and the morning on Friday. On Friday I went to my afternoon classes. My first class after lunch was ELA. In English we are getting ready, and practicing a mock exam for the provincial ELA exam after the holiday. Since I missed so much I had a lot to do over the weekend.
After ELA I had psychology. We finished writing notes and watched a movie while I was away. My psychology teacher wants me to come in and talk to her about the last test we did, she probably wants to go over some questions with me. That means I should probably study that topic a bit again since its been a while, and we had a test coming up on Thursday about memory so u need to study for that, and I need to finish writing my supernatural story. I have been so busy with just work that I haven't been blogging.
My dad got back from Florida and he brought back two Harry Potter shirts. One with the hogwarts logo on it, and one with platform 9 3/4 on it, a mug with the hogwarts logo on it, a travel mug with Mickey Mouse on it, a Carlos bakery mug especially for me, cookies foprom Carlos bakery and some Mickey Mouse playing cards.
Another thing I had to do was finish the Christmas pretzel hugs, make puppy chow, and make and decorate cupcakes for the bake sale at church.
I had a really fun time making all these things for the bake sale. This Sunday morning we sold the baking at church. There was a lot of treats! My cupcakes were selling fast.
After church I got home and my mum made lunch, after lunch I finished watching The Sound Of music.
When the sound of music was over j went downstairs to work on my exam stuff for ELA.
We had made reservations at a restaurant for Natalie's birthday. Fisrt we made them for 5:30 but we found out later that she works until 7:00, so we changed the reservation for later and she will meet us at the restaurant. We went to this Italian place called carbones. On our way home we got the mail. My grad picture proofs were in, I kind of like them. When we got home I took my medicine and finished up some work that was due tomorrow and then I went to bed.
This week is the last week off school.during the last day of school we always have spirit week. On Monday, tomorrow is comfy day! That's always my favorite day.
I hope you Keep reading and enjoying, and I'm sorry that I missed a couple day in Blogmas.
Find out what I post when I post
You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Monday, 7 December 2015
Blogmas day 7
Hello my Christmas elves.
How are you doing today?
Today is Monday. This Monday was particularly gloomy.
First of all I couldn't fall asleep because I don't know why, and I was going to wake up early to Christmas music, because my alarm didn't go off and I got up late. My bus was late and we had a sub bus driver. I got to school, and in choral we had a subsitute teacher. Usually when we have a sub who doesn't know what they are doing, we go over what we are working on a couple times and then somebody puts on there music. After choral I had foods class, foods was boring because we are starting a unit on eggs. We took some notes on the different kinds of eggs there are, and different ways of cooking them.
Next after foods was spare. I was looking forward to this time because 11:00 our time is about 5:00 UK time, and that's when all my favorite youtubers upload there vlogmas. I was particularly exited for Alfies vlogmas (Pointlessblog) and Meg's vlogmas (Meg says), because both of them were doing a giveaway. Pointlessblog was doing a giveaway for a MacBook Air, and Meg says was doing a giveaway for zoella and Tanya burr products. Sadly I didn't win, but that's ok.
Today at lunch I was hanging out with kristie. She brought muffins that we had, she also had toffee and she had never tried it before. We talked and listen to Christmas music while eating the chocolate.
This was probably the only good thing that happened during my day.
I had ELA next and today we started prepping and practicing for the ELA provincial exam on January 11th I believe. This is going to be a stressful process. The last period of the day was psychology. In psychology we started a unit on memory, and played a bunch of memory games. Emily surprised me and picked me up from school a little early, because she ended at two. We went to Tim Hortons and she bought me a candy cane hot chocolate.
I got home and ate some left overs for supper, so I wouldn't eat to early before I went to Zumba.
After I ate we watched a Christmas movie that we recorded. Then I got ready to go to Zumba, and then Emily drove me to Zumba. After Zumba I cane home, had a shower and then went to be.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow bye!
How are you doing today?
Today is Monday. This Monday was particularly gloomy.
First of all I couldn't fall asleep because I don't know why, and I was going to wake up early to Christmas music, because my alarm didn't go off and I got up late. My bus was late and we had a sub bus driver. I got to school, and in choral we had a subsitute teacher. Usually when we have a sub who doesn't know what they are doing, we go over what we are working on a couple times and then somebody puts on there music. After choral I had foods class, foods was boring because we are starting a unit on eggs. We took some notes on the different kinds of eggs there are, and different ways of cooking them.
Next after foods was spare. I was looking forward to this time because 11:00 our time is about 5:00 UK time, and that's when all my favorite youtubers upload there vlogmas. I was particularly exited for Alfies vlogmas (Pointlessblog) and Meg's vlogmas (Meg says), because both of them were doing a giveaway. Pointlessblog was doing a giveaway for a MacBook Air, and Meg says was doing a giveaway for zoella and Tanya burr products. Sadly I didn't win, but that's ok.
Today at lunch I was hanging out with kristie. She brought muffins that we had, she also had toffee and she had never tried it before. We talked and listen to Christmas music while eating the chocolate.
This was probably the only good thing that happened during my day.
I had ELA next and today we started prepping and practicing for the ELA provincial exam on January 11th I believe. This is going to be a stressful process. The last period of the day was psychology. In psychology we started a unit on memory, and played a bunch of memory games. Emily surprised me and picked me up from school a little early, because she ended at two. We went to Tim Hortons and she bought me a candy cane hot chocolate.
I got home and ate some left overs for supper, so I wouldn't eat to early before I went to Zumba.
After I ate we watched a Christmas movie that we recorded. Then I got ready to go to Zumba, and then Emily drove me to Zumba. After Zumba I cane home, had a shower and then went to be.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow bye!
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Blogmas day 6
Hello my gingerbread cookies.
Today is second advent and i am so excited for christmas!
How are you doing today?
I got up today to get ready for church. At church in the morning I am helping out with the pre-school and kindergarden sunday school class, every sunday before we start the class we sing a few songs. since its december, the kids are getting ready for the christmas pagent. my class is singing jingle bells and away in a manger, it is so cute.
Today we sat in church with sarah, patty and lori. In church the junior choir sang today. After church me and my mum, patty, sarah, and lori went to boston pizza for lunch. I know that me and my mum went to boston piiza yesterday, but we were originally thinking of going to moxies, but then we thought we wouldnt get in. after that it was between tony roma's and boston pizza. we decided that boston pizza would be better. at boston pizza i got the boston brute. At bosston pizza they have these dessert trios, it was a small strawberry cheesecake, an caramel cheese cake, and a chocolate cake. me and sarah shared these three. these where really good, except for the strawberry one since I don't like fruit.
when I got home I watched megsays's vlogmas day 5. the wifi wasnt working very well so unfortunatly thats the only one I watched. I finally got around to making the christmas pretzel hugs, allthough I did not make the puppy chow. I will make the puppy chow on wednesday. I will post an extra blog post on the making and recipes of the christmas pretzel hugs, and the puppy chow. I am planning to make the gingerbread cupcakes on friday and then the icing and decorating on saturday morning. I will also be posting the making and recipe of the cupcakes.
by the time I was done making the pretzel hugs it was almost 6:00. for supper I had my leftover pasta from last night.
The once upon a time finale was on tonight!! im so exited. I made myself a cup of tea and took some leftover m&m's and went to watch once upon a time. once, once upon a time was over I worked on my foods project made my lunch and then went to bed.
If anybody has any new and exciting recipes you think I would like to try I would love to hear your comments.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow. Bye!
Today is second advent and i am so excited for christmas!
How are you doing today?
I got up today to get ready for church. At church in the morning I am helping out with the pre-school and kindergarden sunday school class, every sunday before we start the class we sing a few songs. since its december, the kids are getting ready for the christmas pagent. my class is singing jingle bells and away in a manger, it is so cute.
Today we sat in church with sarah, patty and lori. In church the junior choir sang today. After church me and my mum, patty, sarah, and lori went to boston pizza for lunch. I know that me and my mum went to boston piiza yesterday, but we were originally thinking of going to moxies, but then we thought we wouldnt get in. after that it was between tony roma's and boston pizza. we decided that boston pizza would be better. at boston pizza i got the boston brute. At bosston pizza they have these dessert trios, it was a small strawberry cheesecake, an caramel cheese cake, and a chocolate cake. me and sarah shared these three. these where really good, except for the strawberry one since I don't like fruit.
when I got home I watched megsays's vlogmas day 5. the wifi wasnt working very well so unfortunatly thats the only one I watched. I finally got around to making the christmas pretzel hugs, allthough I did not make the puppy chow. I will make the puppy chow on wednesday. I will post an extra blog post on the making and recipes of the christmas pretzel hugs, and the puppy chow. I am planning to make the gingerbread cupcakes on friday and then the icing and decorating on saturday morning. I will also be posting the making and recipe of the cupcakes.
by the time I was done making the pretzel hugs it was almost 6:00. for supper I had my leftover pasta from last night.
The once upon a time finale was on tonight!! im so exited. I made myself a cup of tea and took some leftover m&m's and went to watch once upon a time. once, once upon a time was over I worked on my foods project made my lunch and then went to bed.
If anybody has any new and exciting recipes you think I would like to try I would love to hear your comments.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow. Bye!
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Blogmas day 5
Hello my snowflakes
How are you doing today?
Today i slept in until 9:00, I know some people won't call that sleeping in but I do .
I had planned to make puppy chow and pretzel hugs today. Our printer ran out of ink so I wrote out the recipes, this took a long time. I didn't have time to make them today because we had to leave to go grocery shopping for the ingredients. We had to drive Emily to this escape place for the young adult group. Me and my mum went to sobeys and Costco, after Costco we went to boston pizza, I got chicken mushroom fetticcine Alfredo. Me and my mum were talking about the bake sale the youth group is having in Sunday. I am making cupcakes, pretzel hugs and puppy chow. We were talking about how to store the cupcakes. Last time I was at michals I saw these foldable boxes, so I thought I bye those and see how well they worked. We picked up Emily and then we went home.
When we got home we had to unload the groceries and put them away.
Yesterday I recorded one of my favorite Christmas movies. When I say one of my favorites I don't include the classics like a Christmas carol or a muppets Christmas carol. This movie is a new one to me, it came out in 2011 and it's called Christmas magic. While I was watching Christmas magic I had peppermint cookies and gingerbread tea. Tomorrow hopefully I can make the puppy chow and the pretzel hugs tomorrow, so I can test taste them and have them for a snack while watching the winter finale of once upon a time.
Speaking of once upon a time, I have some thoughts that I just thought I would share. I'm not sure if anyone else watches it, or even cares. WARNING if you are not up to date with once upon a time do not read on. First of all, I'm not sure how I feel about dark swan. I liked light swan better that way. I am sometimes frustrated with zelena. I was angry when she first showed up, and frustrated when she came back, there are some moments when I like how zelena acts. I like how Regina is turning good, and doing more for Henry. Gold and rumple are still the same, still anoyying! I like robin and Regina together, rumple and belle together, and Emma and hook together. Im still upsest with snow and charming (Mary-Margaret) and Prince Charming (David). I think the writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz are so brilliant.
I'm so exited to see where once upon a time goes, I hope once upon a time continues and I am excited for the finale tomorrow!
After I finished watching Christmas magic I started watching grease while finishing my blog.
It was late so I went to bed. Every time I watch grease I have to sing and dance along, especially to grease lightning.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow. Bye!
How are you doing today?
Today i slept in until 9:00, I know some people won't call that sleeping in but I do .
I had planned to make puppy chow and pretzel hugs today. Our printer ran out of ink so I wrote out the recipes, this took a long time. I didn't have time to make them today because we had to leave to go grocery shopping for the ingredients. We had to drive Emily to this escape place for the young adult group. Me and my mum went to sobeys and Costco, after Costco we went to boston pizza, I got chicken mushroom fetticcine Alfredo. Me and my mum were talking about the bake sale the youth group is having in Sunday. I am making cupcakes, pretzel hugs and puppy chow. We were talking about how to store the cupcakes. Last time I was at michals I saw these foldable boxes, so I thought I bye those and see how well they worked. We picked up Emily and then we went home.
When we got home we had to unload the groceries and put them away.
Yesterday I recorded one of my favorite Christmas movies. When I say one of my favorites I don't include the classics like a Christmas carol or a muppets Christmas carol. This movie is a new one to me, it came out in 2011 and it's called Christmas magic. While I was watching Christmas magic I had peppermint cookies and gingerbread tea. Tomorrow hopefully I can make the puppy chow and the pretzel hugs tomorrow, so I can test taste them and have them for a snack while watching the winter finale of once upon a time.
Speaking of once upon a time, I have some thoughts that I just thought I would share. I'm not sure if anyone else watches it, or even cares. WARNING if you are not up to date with once upon a time do not read on. First of all, I'm not sure how I feel about dark swan. I liked light swan better that way. I am sometimes frustrated with zelena. I was angry when she first showed up, and frustrated when she came back, there are some moments when I like how zelena acts. I like how Regina is turning good, and doing more for Henry. Gold and rumple are still the same, still anoyying! I like robin and Regina together, rumple and belle together, and Emma and hook together. Im still upsest with snow and charming (Mary-Margaret) and Prince Charming (David). I think the writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz are so brilliant.
I'm so exited to see where once upon a time goes, I hope once upon a time continues and I am excited for the finale tomorrow!
After I finished watching Christmas magic I started watching grease while finishing my blog.
It was late so I went to bed. Every time I watch grease I have to sing and dance along, especially to grease lightning.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, and when I post.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow. Bye!
Blogmas day 4
Hello my golden strings of tinsel
It's Friday!! The weekend is near us. How is everyone today?
Today I got up feeling tired, but happy that it's Friday and I could sleep in tomorrow.
The day started with a quiet relaxing bus ride. I got to school and I had choir, in choir we had a fun Friday. For this fun Friday we sang the les misarable medley. I love singing the les misarable medley, it's so much fun. After choir I had spare. I was in spare by myself because my friend was on a field trip. On spare I watched some vlogmas videos. Next after spare I had foods, in foods class we had to go through our kitchen and clean everything that looked dirty. Cleaning didn't take long because all we have in our kitchens are a few cupboards, a microwave, and an oven. Since we had three people. Cleaning our kitchen it was quick. We were let out of class early because we were done.
Lunch time! During lunch me and my friend kristie went to this new place in oakbank called cravings to check it out. Me and kristie got poutine and went back to school to eat it.
When me and kristie get together it always ends up being weird and singing to Disney songs. After lunch I had psychology, in psychology we still kept writing notes, we write a lot of note in this class.
In English class we had a substitute teacher. I went to the library to read because I new every time we have a substitute teacher in ELA it gets extra crazy. I was reading the great gatsby, more like listening to the great gatsby, because I understand it better when I am reading out loud or listening to it. English class went by so fast and before I new it the class was over. I got on the bus. My bus rides are not really that exiting because mostly everyone just listens to there music, or sleeps.
When I got home I was so exited that tomorrow was Saturday, I relaxed. My mum got home and she made taco salad, we didn't have any chips, cheese or sour cream, so she quickly went to Anola. After me and my mum ate we did some more relaxing. This evening was relaxing and we didn't do much, however I made a brownie in a mug and it tasted good. I watched some tv. Home alone 3 was on so I watched it. I had never seen home alone 3 before, and I was expecting it to be like the last two. It was completely different.
It was getting late and I was getting tired so I went to bed.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, when I post. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
It's Friday!! The weekend is near us. How is everyone today?
Today I got up feeling tired, but happy that it's Friday and I could sleep in tomorrow.
The day started with a quiet relaxing bus ride. I got to school and I had choir, in choir we had a fun Friday. For this fun Friday we sang the les misarable medley. I love singing the les misarable medley, it's so much fun. After choir I had spare. I was in spare by myself because my friend was on a field trip. On spare I watched some vlogmas videos. Next after spare I had foods, in foods class we had to go through our kitchen and clean everything that looked dirty. Cleaning didn't take long because all we have in our kitchens are a few cupboards, a microwave, and an oven. Since we had three people. Cleaning our kitchen it was quick. We were let out of class early because we were done.
Lunch time! During lunch me and my friend kristie went to this new place in oakbank called cravings to check it out. Me and kristie got poutine and went back to school to eat it.
When me and kristie get together it always ends up being weird and singing to Disney songs. After lunch I had psychology, in psychology we still kept writing notes, we write a lot of note in this class.
In English class we had a substitute teacher. I went to the library to read because I new every time we have a substitute teacher in ELA it gets extra crazy. I was reading the great gatsby, more like listening to the great gatsby, because I understand it better when I am reading out loud or listening to it. English class went by so fast and before I new it the class was over. I got on the bus. My bus rides are not really that exiting because mostly everyone just listens to there music, or sleeps.
When I got home I was so exited that tomorrow was Saturday, I relaxed. My mum got home and she made taco salad, we didn't have any chips, cheese or sour cream, so she quickly went to Anola. After me and my mum ate we did some more relaxing. This evening was relaxing and we didn't do much, however I made a brownie in a mug and it tasted good. I watched some tv. Home alone 3 was on so I watched it. I had never seen home alone 3 before, and I was expecting it to be like the last two. It was completely different.
It was getting late and I was getting tired so I went to bed.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, when I post. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Blogmas day 3
Hello my green Christmas trees
How are you doing today?
Today I got up feeling tired, but I got up and got on the bus. It was a quiet relaxing bus ride. First subject of the day was choir. In choir we continued to work on the mash-up. After choir I had foods. In foods we had a test, I sort of forgot about it but I think I did pretty well on it. I hope. I had spare next and in spare I watch a bunch of day 2 vlogmas, and day 3 vlogmas.this made me feel really warm and festive inside. This also reminded me that i need advent calendar said and so Christmas sweaters.
It was such a beautiful day outside so I decided to walk to Tim Hortons during lunch. It was a peaceful and warm walk, it was most enjoyable. When I got to Tim Hortons I had a candy cane hot chocolate and a sandwich. I love candy cane hot chocolate because it's so Christmasy. After I got back to school I had English, in English I kept working on my supernatural story. I hope I get this story done before Christmas break! Psychology was the last class of the day. In psychology we were talking about positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment. Some people were sharing the punishment or positive reinforcement they got, we were all having a laugh. The end of the day is here! The bus ride was a good bus ride. We were all having a conversation on the bus. It was a good end to a good day. When I got home me and Emily didn't know what to make for supper, we decided to make pancakes. I made the batter, and then when Emily was frying them I worked on my story.
After supper I got ready for dance. First I had duet with my Freud Amanda. In duet we are doing a lyrical dance called my immortal, and a jazz peace called upside down. Next I have ballet. In ballet we are doing a dance to angel and another dance which I don't know the song to. In our group dance we are doing a modern hip-hop dance to who let the freaks out, and a contemporary dance to mad world. After dance I got home at about 9:30 ish and went straight to my room to put my pijama's on and watch some more vlogmas. I finished watching vlogmas and then made my lunch for tomorrow and went to bed.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, when I post. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
How are you doing today?
Today I got up feeling tired, but I got up and got on the bus. It was a quiet relaxing bus ride. First subject of the day was choir. In choir we continued to work on the mash-up. After choir I had foods. In foods we had a test, I sort of forgot about it but I think I did pretty well on it. I hope. I had spare next and in spare I watch a bunch of day 2 vlogmas, and day 3 vlogmas.this made me feel really warm and festive inside. This also reminded me that i need advent calendar said and so Christmas sweaters.
It was such a beautiful day outside so I decided to walk to Tim Hortons during lunch. It was a peaceful and warm walk, it was most enjoyable. When I got to Tim Hortons I had a candy cane hot chocolate and a sandwich. I love candy cane hot chocolate because it's so Christmasy. After I got back to school I had English, in English I kept working on my supernatural story. I hope I get this story done before Christmas break! Psychology was the last class of the day. In psychology we were talking about positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment. Some people were sharing the punishment or positive reinforcement they got, we were all having a laugh. The end of the day is here! The bus ride was a good bus ride. We were all having a conversation on the bus. It was a good end to a good day. When I got home me and Emily didn't know what to make for supper, we decided to make pancakes. I made the batter, and then when Emily was frying them I worked on my story.
After supper I got ready for dance. First I had duet with my Freud Amanda. In duet we are doing a lyrical dance called my immortal, and a jazz peace called upside down. Next I have ballet. In ballet we are doing a dance to angel and another dance which I don't know the song to. In our group dance we are doing a modern hip-hop dance to who let the freaks out, and a contemporary dance to mad world. After dance I got home at about 9:30 ish and went straight to my room to put my pijama's on and watch some more vlogmas. I finished watching vlogmas and then made my lunch for tomorrow and went to bed.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, when I post. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Blogmas day 2
Hello my Christmas ortamients.
How are you you doing today? Today I woke up a little later than I should. This morning was a bit rushed, but I didn't miss the bus because the bus was late. Today the first subject I had was choir, in choir we are continuing to work on the mash-up. After choir I had spare. In spare I was in the drama room with Amanda, during spare I was watching downton abbey on my iPad. I had foods next. In foods we finished making the Nanaimo bars and then ate them. The Nanaimo bars were good but they were kind of messy.
I got back from foods and it was lunch time. During lunch, I ate my lunch. For lunch I had the rice and ground beef mixture for the stuffed peppers. Period five I had psychology. In psychology we were talking about fears, and three ways to get over your fear. The first one is flooding. For example if you are afraid of snakes, flooding would be dumping a bunch of snakes on you and confronting it. The second one were you are relaxed, and then someone would slowly come toward you with snakes, and the last one is negotiation. Playing with a snake for money or cookies or something. The last subject of the day was ELA. In ELA I continued to think of ideas for the ending for V for Vendetta.
When I got home I made supper. It was just me and Emily for supper, because my mum was still at work, Natalie was still at school, and my dad left for Florida today. I'm so jealous!
For supper I made quinoa with wild rice with Italiano, chilli powder, and homemade chicken fingers. The meal turned out good.
In the evening after supper I worked on some homework. My homework was for ELA, we have to create a supernatural story. So far my story is about this camper who sets of in the woods to find out what this flickering light is all about. It took me a long time to come up with this idea, but I got it. If you want to hear the full story or more in detail I could do a post on my story if anyone would be interested. I was doing my homework for a long time and it was getting late, so I went to bed. Before I went to bed I watched all my vlogmas videos. Some people filmed and upload on the same day, so some peoples vlogmas day one were uploaded on December 1st, but some people film on the first and then upload it on December 2nd. Each vlogmas will be a day late then, so some peoples vlogmas I will watch day two today, but some I will watch day one of vlogmas. After this I will go to sleep and do it all again tomorrow.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, when I post. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
How are you you doing today? Today I woke up a little later than I should. This morning was a bit rushed, but I didn't miss the bus because the bus was late. Today the first subject I had was choir, in choir we are continuing to work on the mash-up. After choir I had spare. In spare I was in the drama room with Amanda, during spare I was watching downton abbey on my iPad. I had foods next. In foods we finished making the Nanaimo bars and then ate them. The Nanaimo bars were good but they were kind of messy.
I got back from foods and it was lunch time. During lunch, I ate my lunch. For lunch I had the rice and ground beef mixture for the stuffed peppers. Period five I had psychology. In psychology we were talking about fears, and three ways to get over your fear. The first one is flooding. For example if you are afraid of snakes, flooding would be dumping a bunch of snakes on you and confronting it. The second one were you are relaxed, and then someone would slowly come toward you with snakes, and the last one is negotiation. Playing with a snake for money or cookies or something. The last subject of the day was ELA. In ELA I continued to think of ideas for the ending for V for Vendetta.
When I got home I made supper. It was just me and Emily for supper, because my mum was still at work, Natalie was still at school, and my dad left for Florida today. I'm so jealous!
For supper I made quinoa with wild rice with Italiano, chilli powder, and homemade chicken fingers. The meal turned out good.
In the evening after supper I worked on some homework. My homework was for ELA, we have to create a supernatural story. So far my story is about this camper who sets of in the woods to find out what this flickering light is all about. It took me a long time to come up with this idea, but I got it. If you want to hear the full story or more in detail I could do a post on my story if anyone would be interested. I was doing my homework for a long time and it was getting late, so I went to bed. Before I went to bed I watched all my vlogmas videos. Some people filmed and upload on the same day, so some peoples vlogmas day one were uploaded on December 1st, but some people film on the first and then upload it on December 2nd. Each vlogmas will be a day late then, so some peoples vlogmas I will watch day two today, but some I will watch day one of vlogmas. After this I will go to sleep and do it all again tomorrow.
I hope you keep reading and enjoying!
If you want to you can follow/subscribe to my blog to find out what I post, when I post. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Blogmas day 1
Hello my peppermint candy canes.
Merry first of December everyone, how are you doing today?
Today I got up at 6:00 because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to have breakfast, get dressed, brush my teeth and do a last minute touch up with my hair using the straightening iron, because I have my grad photos today. After a quiet bus ride, I got to school. The first subject I have of the day is choral. In choral we are singing Christmas carols, because on the last day before Christmas holidays we are going Caroling around the school. We are also working on a mash-up called see me again/love me like you do/sugar for the talent show.
Second period I had foods. Today we finished making stuffed peppers. Every time we prepare a lab, there are different jobs that each person has to do. The jobs are host/hostess, diashwasher, dis drier, and cook. Today I was the dishwasher. The stuffed pepper filling was yummy. The filling had rice, ground beef, chopped peppers, Tuscan dressing, and tomato sauce. I don't really like peppers so I just ate the filling.
The next period if the day was spare. I didn't do much either than eat my snack and check my social media sites. At 11:49 I had my graduation photos, they went well. I don't love my graduation photos, but I don't really hate them either. After grad photos were done it was lunch time. For lunch I went to the drama room and watched my friends rehearse for and audition they are doing for a play called Drop dead Juliet.
Sometimes I feel that lunch should be longer than it is, but sadly it's not long enough. After lunch I had ELA, in ELA we just finished watching a movie called V for vendetta. For the assignment we have to predict what happens after the movie. Create a new ending almost. We have to write a short paragraph on what we think would happen two minutes after the movie, two weeks after, and five years after.
My last subject of the day is psychology, in psychology we are learning about unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response. To be honest I don't have a ful understanding of it.
When I got on the bus i was very hungry and tired. During the bus ride I was talking with my friends about cookies, because I gave my friends some peppermint cookies.
When I got home I made pasta with tomato sauce with cream cheese for me and Emily, because we had to leave for faith class very soon after we ate. After faith class I got home and made my lunch and watched chooses, and then went to bed.
I hoped you enjoyed the first day of Blogmas! I hope you keep reading and enjoying.
If you want you can follow my blog to find out when I post and what I post.
If you want to keep up with my blogposts, you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
Merry first of December everyone, how are you doing today?
Today I got up at 6:00 because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to have breakfast, get dressed, brush my teeth and do a last minute touch up with my hair using the straightening iron, because I have my grad photos today. After a quiet bus ride, I got to school. The first subject I have of the day is choral. In choral we are singing Christmas carols, because on the last day before Christmas holidays we are going Caroling around the school. We are also working on a mash-up called see me again/love me like you do/sugar for the talent show.
Second period I had foods. Today we finished making stuffed peppers. Every time we prepare a lab, there are different jobs that each person has to do. The jobs are host/hostess, diashwasher, dis drier, and cook. Today I was the dishwasher. The stuffed pepper filling was yummy. The filling had rice, ground beef, chopped peppers, Tuscan dressing, and tomato sauce. I don't really like peppers so I just ate the filling.
The next period if the day was spare. I didn't do much either than eat my snack and check my social media sites. At 11:49 I had my graduation photos, they went well. I don't love my graduation photos, but I don't really hate them either. After grad photos were done it was lunch time. For lunch I went to the drama room and watched my friends rehearse for and audition they are doing for a play called Drop dead Juliet.
Sometimes I feel that lunch should be longer than it is, but sadly it's not long enough. After lunch I had ELA, in ELA we just finished watching a movie called V for vendetta. For the assignment we have to predict what happens after the movie. Create a new ending almost. We have to write a short paragraph on what we think would happen two minutes after the movie, two weeks after, and five years after.
My last subject of the day is psychology, in psychology we are learning about unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response. To be honest I don't have a ful understanding of it.
When I got on the bus i was very hungry and tired. During the bus ride I was talking with my friends about cookies, because I gave my friends some peppermint cookies.
When I got home I made pasta with tomato sauce with cream cheese for me and Emily, because we had to leave for faith class very soon after we ate. After faith class I got home and made my lunch and watched chooses, and then went to bed.
I hoped you enjoyed the first day of Blogmas! I hope you keep reading and enjoying.
If you want you can follow my blog to find out when I post and what I post.
If you want to keep up with my blogposts, you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+.
Until tomorrow, bye!
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Cakes/Bakes I have made recently series part 3
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